Ottmar Liebert Solo Guitar + Talk 2006

Ottmar settled my struggle to write a review of his Seattle solo performances. He wrote today, “Words can get in the way. Don't let them.” The comment was not aimed at me but these were the words I needed to hear.
I’ve now seen Ottmar Liebert perform live 6 times in over the past 3 years. Each show has had a life of its own, even when separated by only 24 hours. I’ve never doubted that music is a form of communication. During the interview section of the Wide Eyed + Dreaming DVD, Ottmar stated that “expressing myself though music and not with lyrics is just like expressing myself in any other language”. Until now, audiences have not experienced any great deal of verbal communication from Ottmar during his shows. He relies instead on the music to transmit thought and feeling. For a select few shows, that has now changed.
Somewhere late in 2005, Ottmar wrote that there may be a few solo performances in his future. This idea became reality. People in and around the Seattle, Washington and Redwood, California area (as well as a few diehard fans from around the country and across the Atlantic) were treated to a new experience. Not only did they enjoy a new musical experience, they also were engaged in a discussion. The topics were wide ranging but tied together well. We were given a brief history lesson, a bit of insight on human nature, and quite a few laughs. None of this was unexpected. The man is a complex thinker but never seems to fail in conveying his thoughts in a very simple manner. I like to think he’s a guy you could sit around with and talk the day away, never touching the same subject twice.
Writing about past Ottmar Liebert + Luna Negra concerts has been far easier. At least in the detail that I’d like to apply to the Seattle shows. The experience was by no means less rewarding and certainly more complex. I think that the words have gotten in the way. It’s all emotion. Maybe I’ll never be able to properly express my experience.
I've seen Ottmar 2 times on 2 days in a row which maybe makes it 1 single experience. And that will do for a long time. I'd never expect anyone to transform their feelings during a concert in words. But for those who cannot be there - for what reason ever or from whereever - it means a lot to get a glimpse. An idea for the own imagination. So in this respect I thank you for your words, however you yourself might judge them.
And thank you as well to the others doing the same.
Go Matt!!
Did you see that now Ottmar is lining up solo concerts for the fall? Guess that means you'll have to make another trip?! :-) Nice comments on the concert. I was like you trying to find the right words to say/blog about but in the end I kept it very short and just titled it "Dreaming" of which I still am about the whole experience
even as you think you failed, you succeeded. whoa, we're massively zen today, are we not? first the truth in lies and now this. deep thinkers, we callahans...
it was a radiant experience
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